2022 Spring Break trips
Want to get down to a warmer climate, on the beach, at a fraction of the typical cost? We'll provide transportation and drive together from MN to SC where we'll stay in a hotel at the beach owned by Campus Outreach! Every day we will spend time with friends outside of a school context, hang out at the beach, and eat food from some of our favorite restaurants.
2021 Winter Conference
FEBRUARY 12-14, 2021
Join students from Bethel, UNWSP, the U of M, and St. Thomas for a weekend of learning, growth, and fun!
Registration is closed; if you are interested in attending, please contact your campus staff, and they can tell you if there is still room!
coM Missions Night
Guess what’s happening THIS FRIDAY? Our annual missions night. If you haven’t registered yet, sign up soon. There are a limited number of spots available.
NEW BLOG POST: Virtual Leadership Project Theme
“Although this summer is not the typical STP, I remain confident that God is still going to transform us this summer and help us to see Him in new ways. Without knowing what anything was going to look like this summer, we all chose to participate in this entirely new type of project called Virtual Leadership Project.”
Thursday, May 7, 2020
Come join us on Thursday from 4-5pm on Zoom for a Coffee Break!
CO Coffee Break — Navigating the Job Market in Light of COVID-19 with career coach and COM alumnus Ali O’Reilly
Wondering how to start your job search in this economically uncertain time? Have questions about starting your first post-college job? Wondering how to negotiate salary, benefits, etc?
Join us Thursday to chat with Ali and answer these questions and more! Please bring any questions you have!
“God does something incredible when praying with other believers-knitting our hearts together and revealing more of His heart in the process.” New blog post by staff member Brittany.
Come join us on Thursday from 4-5pm on zoom for a Coffee Break Learning hour.
CO Coffee Break Learning Hour—Budgeting with Nick Stromwall and Special Guest Katie Beth Strand
Do you have student debt? Do they have a plan to get out of debt?
Join us Thursday to craft a game plan and a coach.
Come and learn:
1 Biblical Nugget on Finances
1 Tool to help you start to budget
1 Guest on how to forecast getting out of college debt and recruiting a coach
Please bring any financial or budget questions you have for Q/A at the end of the brief 20-minute training!
What: Finance and Budgeting
WHEN: Thursday, April 23rd, 2020, 4-5pm
Where: https://zoom.us/j/94541413768