Campus Outreach Minneapolis Blog

I can’t think of a year like this one: the global pandemic, the pursuit of racial equality, the riots one mile from my house, the college campuses and school buildings closed, the election year—in many ways the world has been turned upside down.
In the midst of this, Campus Outreach Minneapolis has continued to cling to the hope and purpose offered in Christ. A season like this has served to soften some students’ hearts and to harden others. Opportunities that we were excited about were adjusted and new opportunities have arisen.
For years I have been wanting to go to South Carolina to take part in STP, and this year was finally the year that worked for me. I had heard of all the fun stories of socials, group dates, and adventures with friends. I had heard the stories of my friends' lives being changed by Jesus, and the ways that He moved every single summer at project. When I got the news that we wouldn’t be going to South Carolina for the summer, you could say I was bummed—like very bummed.
A few weeks ago CO Minneapolis campuses came together for the first World Prayer Wednesday. Staff and students sign in to Zoom to pray for Bethlehem Global Partners, international students, and various unreached nations. My heart has been stirred as we remember that God’s desire has always been for all nations to come to the knowledge of the truth of what Jesus has done.
Our Annual Report for 2019 is now available. Read how God has been working and moving in our ministry over the past year.
At our Missions Night, students were able to hear more about God’s heart for the world. The two topics that were covered this year by our guest speaker were: ‘What is the Task Remaining?’, and ‘How have College Students Impacted World Missions?’. Students from all five of our campuses attended.
As a sophomore in college I found myself between a rock and a hard place. The decisions I was making were self-destructive and highly influenced by the people I was surrounding myself with. Actively involved in the party scene at my university I was running hard after whatever the world had to offer me, hoping for satisfaction. I ran up empty. Every. Time.
As the school year drew near and the summer came to a close, our Northwestern staff team was excited to be back on campus for the fall. We made plans to kickoff the semester and engage new students, but God had something else in store, something better.