2020 COM Annual Report


Our fully digital annual report is now available right here on our website. Below is an excerpt about our theme, Upside-down. Click on the button to go to the full report.


"I can’t think of a year like this one: the global pandemic, the pursuit of racial equality, the riots one mile from my house, the college campuses and school buildings closed, the election year—in many ways the world has been turned upside down

In the midst of this, Campus Outreach Minneapolis has continued to cling to the hope and purpose offered in Christ. A season like this has served to soften some students’ hearts and to harden others. Opportunities that we were excited about were adjusted and new opportunities have arisen.


Yes, 2020 has been an upside-down year, but what is more revolutionary than anything that has happened this year or that will ever happen from this point on is the power of the gospel. When the truth that God became a man, that the Creator of the world died for it, and that the way to find one’s life is to lose it collides with a person’s heart, it changes everything. That is our continued hope: that the good news of Jesus Christ will move with power, with deep conviction, and with the Holy Spirit to bring radical, upside-down-turning power into the hearts and lives of men and women who are in desperate need of God’s reorienting their lives. 

Thanks for your gifts, your prayers, and the encouragement you provide as we partner together to see lives turned upside down."