
Bigger, Better

For our Project Social this week, we played a game of "Bigger and Better," the gist of it was to find something bigger and better than the other teams through a series of trades and bringing it back home to show off crazy items and funny stories. Some people came back with sofas, gum-ball machines, a colorful pair of bikes, and even jobs. Random treasures are not the only things that are becoming "bigger and better." We are all growing in community daily as we share in the word, eat, and live together. We also had our first Campus Time this week. Each group prayed for their campuses and God's plans for us in the coming semester. On a lighter note, three group dates are already underway with others anticipated for the coming weeks.



The group picture was taken yesterday, hopefully this means that it will be up in the gallery relatively soon. Other pictures from this week have also been uploaded to the gallery, <check them out here>.

Evangelism Day

Yesterday, after our first Evangelism training by Paul Poteat, the students and staff went over the beach to share Christ to the people. Paul challenged us to over come our fear of failure and put our trust in God, and the message of the Gospel. For some of the students this experience was new and challenging. Many students were rejected by the people; however, everybody was able to ask at least one person about Christ. Later on, we got together as teams and share our different experiences of how it went. Moreover, some of the students were able to establish a relationship with these people. We want to encourage you to keep in your prayers not only the students, but also keep in your prayers these people that were told about Christ. For today, students are looking forward to have a group picture. Have a bless day y'all! sharing after evangelizing on the beach

Theme Night - Exiled

Our first theme talk from Andrew Knight was last Thursday night.  He talked about we are separated from relationship with God because of our sin.  Jesus who died for our sins is our substitute, so that we are called righteous by God.  This is not based on anything that we do (our works), but solely on the work of Jesus Christ.  You can listen to the talk here.  We will be podcasting more talks from beach project as the summer goes on.  Expect more in the coming weeks. [display_podcast]

Praise and thanks to God. We made it safe!

at the projectThere were not many complications on our way to Garden City. On Thursday night, we started out with our first seminar. Andrew Knight talked and introduced us to the theme of this Summer Project 2009, “Exiles”. Friday and Saturday were the days to look for jobs. Most of the students by now have obtained jobs at various places of employment around Myrtle Beach. These include Wal-Mart, Bi-Lo, Chick-Fil-A, Piggly Wiggly, Cracker Barrel, and McDonald's. However, they are a few students who still are looking for a job. Therefore, please keep these students in your prayers. Moreover, yesterday the group was divided in three to attend church. It was and it will be a blessing to join these different congregations at Garden City. God has been blessing us with a wonderful weather, and the fellowship through reading the word at breakfast, lunch or free time has been a marvelous time. We are excited to start a new week here at Project.