
Christmas in July

Students are surprised with the thought that in three weeks project is going to be over. However, most of the students are excited to go back home and keep developing these new friendships.Yesterday, at evangelism training, James Gisler talked about "Mercy Ministry" being a part of our every day life.  Later on, students did something different.  Each room read an article about the doctrine of Hell, then spent time at the beach praying for people and meditated on "the  hideous doctrine may grip our souls in dark terror and make us weep, but let us be sure it also prompts us to holiness and compassion." (John Thomas). As for tonight, social is taking place at project.


Team Leaders (Reid Jilek, James Gisler, Josh Schrock)

wednesday has two d's and e's

Mike Polley shared during Theme Training on discipleship, encouraging disciples to keep the chain going. The definition of discipleship is one's intentional living and sharing into another person's life to push them towards Christ. Mike Polley talked about his personal experience as a disciple and a mentor observing that the relationship is not one of tutor and student, but something closer to father and son.

James Gisler's team is leading the theme for this week.The theme is Christmas in July. Disciples on his team will be washing and cleaning the cars on project for the week's encouragement.The Social Time on Thursday will include a white elephant gift exchange, dressing up according to an assigned Christmas theme, plus many more "seasonal" events to celebrate Christmas in July.

Tonight, Theme Night

Last Night Josh Schrock had the opportunity to lead Bible Training. His topic was Bible Interpretation. Josh shared with us that it is easy to wrongly interpret the Bible when one does not focus on Christ. "We need to confess our sinfulness, and then repent from it." "Look at the context and let's interpret the Bible with the Bible."After Bible Training, it was team time. These times are for the students to have fellowship after a long day of work. Most of the time, teams either play games, share some goodies or just chill and hang-out. Tonight is Theme Night. Mike Polley will be talking about "Discipleship: God's pursuit for exiles." Therefore, we would appreciate if you pray for Mike and the students. -We would encourage you to watch the testimonies. If they do not appear on the window please click on "Older Entries" so you will be able to see the videos from the past weeks-


Getting ready for Bible Training, Polley and the guys having a good time.


Josh Schrock at Bible Training.

Monday at the Beach

Disciples are going back into their routine week after the brief time with the CCP team. The pool, muddied by a type of fungus then doused with extreme amounts of cleaning chemicals, making it unsuitable for use over the last couple days, also looks ready for some action. This week's theme will be centered on discipleship. Make sure to check out some the kids at their jobs as well as clips from the CCP hosted scavanger hunt from last week in <this week's Highlights video> Pictures from the Social plus others will be uploaded soon so make sure to check and see when the gallery is updated sometime this week!

getting ready for the CCP hunt

Sending the CCP off

Hi everyone. This morning the CCP group left project at 5:50 am. Some of the students sacrificed sleep  to say "good bye" and pray for them once again.

At Life training Reid Jilek spoke about "Holding Loosely to Your Schedule." Reid described the two extremes of being either over scheduled or laid back, and how there could be sin on both of these sides. Later on in the morning, students attended Church after life training.

Today, students at project are just relaxing with the goal to gain some energy before a new week starts. Enjoy the Highlights of the week.

Happy 4th of July

Today, students enjoyed community time through D-groups. Moreover, because a good amount of students work in the afternoon, they used their morning to get in the word. In regards of the CCP group, they will be taking off sunday morning and work on the last details before they leave for India. Students at project have been loving the fellowship with the CCP members. It has been a blessing having you guys, thank you so much.  Please keep this group in your prayers as they prepare for these challenging five weeks.

As for tonight, project is hopeing to see a fabolus fireworks show. Have a great night everyone!

friday talks about yesterday mostly

Disciples enjoyed looking for the CCP team members during the Broadway at the Beach Social Time on Thursday night. Teams left at 7:15 then came back at 10:00 after walking around and taking pictures of each other following the crazy directions of the scavenger hunt. Jeff Wiesner's team surfaced as the winners of a night full of entertainment to the disciples as well as the bystanders who got to watch or even take part in the antics of this week's social. Look forward to some great updates including pictures from the CCP Broadway at the Beach and another week's highlights video. We have also prepared the sessions from this week for your hearing pleasure: <Reid Jilek's Life Training> <Jack Thompson's Bible Study Training> <Elliot Stokes' Theme Training> <Adam Evers' Leadership Training> <James Gisler's Evangelism Training>

Broadway at the Beach

Today the CCP group is organizing an adventure for today's social. Students are going to be sent to Broadway Beach on a scavenger hunt. However, the catch is that CCP members are going to be hiding in different places around Broadway. Therefore, teams are going to be rewarded if they find any of the CCP members.In regards of the talk from yesterday at Evangelism Training by James Gisler, please watch this powerful video of Matt Chandler:

Christ and Faith

Today, Wednesday, the CCP group joined the Team Leaders and the Room Leaders for today's Seminar led by Adam Evers. Adam shared about Confrontation among the disciples."It made me realized how much I idolize relationships" said Michael Owczarek, one of the room leaders, "It was a helpful talk."

As for the afternoon, James Gisler shared "The Message, Part II" with us. James talked about the importance of having Jesus in our sharing time. "If we do not talk about Jesus, the message is pointless."

After evangelism time, the students had their campus time where the challenge was to think and pray for those who are back in Minnesota who do not know about Christ.

the "t" in tuesday is for theme

Elliot Stokes, CO staff for Northwestern College and the leader for the CCP team here, will be giving the theme training today. He will unpack more on what it means for a Christian to be an exile in this world. As mentioned, Garden City Baptist (GCB) has been burned down, so Theme Training will be meeting at the Garden City Chapel (GCC) tonight.For the time being, the people at GCC have graciously offered to let project use their facilities during the week.

During Bible Study Training, Jack Thompson shared that studying the Bible is worship, and that it is a process that takes time and discipline. Disciples also got a chance to walk through 1Peter 3:1-2 together.

sharing is caring

monday is somvar in hindi

The addition of the CCP team has added some fresh life into project. Disciples who have friends on the team took time yesterday to catch up with them on their summer and encouraged each other for the rest of the summer. This week's theme is "Missions: Choosing Exile," the CCP team will be planning and leading the events while they are here. As is usual for Mondays, project will have dinner together tonight, followed by Bible Study Training led by Jack Thompson.

We have some new photos in the gallery! <Go check it out> Also make sure to check out last week's <highlights video>


Welcoming India Team

This morning around 1:30 am, the India Team arrived on project. Students are excited to spend about a week with this team by Elliot Stokes. Furthermore, this morning at Life Training, Reid Jilek spoke about "Holding Loosely to Family." He shared a little from his background and on how God has been working on his earthly family. His main focus was that "family is not the ultimate focus, God is." Reid reminded us of the importance of our eternal family.

Moreover, today we were informed with the sad news that Garden City Baptist Church, one of the churches that the students attend, was severely destroyed by a fire. It took about five hours to extinguish and much of the church has been burned down. Therefore, we would appreciate if you keep in your prayers our brothers and sister of Garden City Beach Baptist Church.