Nathan looks at the lies we believe about Heaven, how we don't truly want Heaven, and why we'd live differently if we did.
Worth Your Time
Jacob talks about time management, worthy uses of time, the importance of priorities, and some practicals for organizing time well.
A Worthwhile Pursuit is Searching for Jesus
Kevin looks at how the Bible is God's primary voice, seeing Jesus in the Old Testament, the importance of Jesus, and Practicals for studying the Bible .
Trials are Worth More
Nathan digs into Trials, what they mean, how God uses them, as well as the depth and scope of God's plan for our lives.
Jacob discusses money, what culture says about it, and how we should use it.
It's Worth Knowing Others Deeply
Berto talks about why it's important to have deep, meaningful relationships with both Christians and Non-Christians, what it means to know others deeply, and how to do it.
Prayer is Worth Practicing
Kevin talks about how God works through prayer, why we should do it, and why we often don't.
Getting More of Jesus in Evangelism
Berto talks about suffering in evangelism, Christ's sufficiency in both success and failure, and how the cost of evangelism helps us see Jesus.
He Who is Worthy of Suffering
Nathan goes through Jesus's life of suffering and how the Crucifixion sets us free.
When it Doesn't Feel Worth It...
Eric talks about what it means to wait on the Lord, the process of desiring God, and praying like the Psalms.
Paul and Samm go in depth about their story, marriage, sex, dating, community, and how the Gospel holds them all together.
Biblical Manhood and Womanhood Conclusion
Charlie and Ann share the mic as they conclude the discussion on gender, what it was meant to be, what sin did to gender, and how the gospel changes it.
Meditation - A Battle Worth Fighting For
Eric discusses Biblical mediation, the internal battle, and gives ideas on how to meditate effectively.
Is it Worth It? Overcoming Fear
Mike discusses the fear that comes from sharing your faith, what fear means, and how to deal with it.
Weakness is Worth It
Eric defines what it means to be weak, and what Christ's power has to say about our weakness.
Prayer - Worth Understanding
Eric talks about the difficulty of prayer, why we do it, and how to do it well.
Biblical Manhood
Devin asks the question, "Do I have what it takes?' and deals with the different struggles that men encounter.
Unworthy Recipients of Grace
In this Theme Training, Mike Polley discusses the state of the human heart, spiritual deadness, self destruction, and unworthiness, as well as our self-justification.
Your Story is Worth Sharing
In this talk, Mike Polley shares what a testimony is, why it matters, and how to give yours with clarity.
Biblical Womanhood
Ann Nelson explores Biblical Womanhood, examining how women mirror the image of God, what it means to be a helper, and how women can display God.