Our Staff Team
(back row left to right) Reid Jilek, Derek Franze, Henrik Stevens, Lucas Cecka, Ariana Cecka, Nick Stromwall, Zach Simmons
(middle row left to right) Nikki Jilek, Taylor Lindahl, Ellie Lindahl, Billy Kor, Harmon Squires, Katie Stromwall, Justine Simmons,
(front row left to right) Brittany Franze, Brent Van Beusekom, Ellyn Lluch, Elisa Horning, Tim Devane, Alyssa Olson
Letter from the Director
Prayer Requests
Asking By Faith:
For students to have soft hearts that are open to receiving the gospel message
For our staff to raise and maintain their needed funding, so that they can give the bulk of their time, focus and energy to engaging students with the gospel
For God to raise up this next generation to be servant-hearted leaders who desire to share Christ with the world, both stateside and abroad
I don’t know about you, but confusion is typically what I feel when I read the book of Revelation. However, as of late, I have been encouraged by a passage in chapter 2 of Revelation.
In the passage, John is writing to the Church in Ephesus. He says in verse three that they “have not grown weary.” Well, this has felt like an easy season to grow weary in. This season has held the immense weight of a global pandemic, division from the presidential election, and the death of George Floyd in our own backyard. Even just one of those things would be enough to cause weariness. All of these things have many effects on the relational ministry we do with college students.