How did you get involved with Campus Outreach?
I was familiar with the ministry when I started college, so I was excited to jump in right away – and what a great decision that was! In the following years, God used Campus Outreach to change my life in many wonderful and profound ways, most strikingly in the areas of discipleship, devotion, and fellowship.
What is it like to walk with Jesus now, years after graduation?
Campus Outreach helped me realize how essential it is to have an intentional faith community surrounding me, so after college I joined a small group at my church right away. Since then, I have been learning that walking with Jesus isn’t about just doing certain Christian things. When you walk with Jesus, everything can become a Christ thing. My job, my relationships, my money and possessions, my hobbies – Jesus wants to enter every area of my life. I have been learning that the more of my life I surrender to him, the more my life becomes infused with the joy of the Lord each day.
Tell us about your vision for your house mission statement?
When I read Randy Alcorn’s book “Money, Possessions, and Eternity,” I began to realize how everything I own (temporary) can be used for Kingdom purposes (eternal). When I bought a house and moved in with some friends, we set objectives for the house. These were (1) being a witness to the world by living together in unity, (2) employing the house for fellowship and outreach, and (3) saving money so we can be more generous. It’s been so rewarding working on these goals together!
In the picture, you’ll see our house mission statement, as well as a map showing unreached people groups around the world, with pins for missionaries we want to be praying for.
What encouragement would you give to other alumni to continue to labor?
I would encourage fellow CO alumni to consider what areas of your life you would like to surrender to the Lord in greater ways. Your time, your income, your living space, your relationships with friends and family. What would it look like if you gave God complete control of these areas for him to use however he would like? What would God do? Ask him to give you a vision for how he might transform these areas, then step out in faith and let God do the rest. I’m confident the Lord will bless you with strength and partner with you in joy.
Nathan Gee
Campus Outreach Minneapolis Alumni