The CCP Team Members

The last blog I wrote was about this year’s CCP team. I spelled out the what, where, when(ish), and why.

But what about the who?

It’s time to introduce the 2014 CCP team!

This year, the Campus Outreach staff members leading the crew will be Steve and Lindsay Discher. Both graduated from the University of Northwestern, St. Paul. They are currently ministering at Bethel University.

The students teaming up with them are Ben Hansen, Kate Hoyles, Chris Lovdal, Lindsey Oawster, Maura Bickner, Kevin Langmade, Peter Scheerer, and Meaghan O’Toole.

I asked each of the students to give a little information about themselves as well as tell what they are most excited for this summer. Here are their responses:

Chris Lovdal: I’m a junior math major at the University of Minnesota. I’m most excited to meet other college students from a different culture and share the gospel with them!

Lindsey Oawster: I am a junior at Bethel. I am majoring in relational communications with an art minor. I am most excited that Campus Outreach has the potential to expand to the UK. I am also excited to see the lasting effects that could have on students’ lives.

Ben Hansen: I am a junior at Bethel University. One of the things that I get really excited about in particular is tutoring international students in English. I am thrilled to be a part of a huge movement that God is orchestrating in England right now. As I have studied and learned about the spiritual condition of the United Kingdom as a whole, and England specifically, I am blown away by the need for the gospel. I am excited to come alongside the local church and learn how we can best serve and work towards the end of glorifying God by building laborers on the campus for the lost world in the two months that we are there.

Maura Bickner: I am a senior majoring in business/accounting at the University of Sioux Falls. I just want to get there and meet those Sheffield students already!!

Kevin Langmade: I’m a junior biomedical engineering major at the University of Northwestern St. Paul. I’m most excited about getting to know students from a different country.

Kate Hoyles: I’m a junior and I’m in the nursing program at the U of M. I am excited to go to Sheffield and to bring the light of the gospel to spiritually dark college students, mostly because of how the Lord has used college ministry in my own life. We hope that the seeds we plant on this trip will start waves of powerful, relational evangelism on the campuses in Sheffield.

Peter Scheerer: I’m a neuroscience and Spanish major at the University of St. Thomas. What I am most excited about is getting on the campus and meeting students and evangelizing.

Meaghan O’Toole is actually technically a part of CO Augusta, not CO Minneapolis. She has a very cool story about how she got involved on the trip!

Meaghan O’Toole: I’m a senior and double majoring in history and psych. I’m from Georgia and involved in the CO Augusta region. How I got involved on this trip is such an awesome story of God’s sovereignty! I've loved the UK for a long time and when I became a Christian the Lord just continued to grow my heart for the people and showed me how strategic England was to reach the nations (tons of international students go to study there). So for a while now I have been praying that the Lord would open doors for me to go over there. I thought it was going to be through teaching but I wasn't fully convinced of this because I love the college campus and age so I was praying for opportunities. At our Ski Retreat Andrew Knight spoke and our Regional Director, Drew Epting, came up and told me that he was planning on taking a team to England and that I needed to talk to him. So I got connected to Andrew and after a few conversations he challenged me to go on CCP. From there the Lord’s done nothing but confirm that this is what he has for me this summer! I'm most excited about the diversity of the students over there, because there isn't much diversity at all at my school (Georgia College and State University). I’m definitely praying for the opportunity to meet and connect with international students who could bring the gospel back to their home countries!

This is the 2014 CCP team! If you would like to support any member of the team, you can give online at Just log in and pick a student from the drop-down panel.

Please continue praying as their departure date draws near! The only way anything will happen overseas is if God works, so please join us in asking him to do so!