When Culture Slaps You Upside the Head and Knocks You Down
University of Minnesota 2020 Campus Update
The year 2020 has been difficult for all of us. How should we, as Christians, respond to the increasing hostility of our country? As a Christian—especially as a young Christian—it can feel overwhelming to try to navigate this polarizing cultural moment. In our experience, young adults tend to struggle with nuance as they look at life in a very rigid manner. But God is faithful to his children, regardless of maturity or wisdom, and he often uses what was intended for harm in an upside-down way. Because of this, I am more excited than I ever have been to be on staff with Campus Outreach in this season. Here are three reasons:
Our student leaders are taking the Bible more seriously. The atmosphere in our ministry has developed into one of curiosity for and treasuring of what the Bible says about all of life. Students are memorizing Scripture and reading the Bible outside of anybody telling them to do it.
There is a felt need to have eternal perspective on all of life. America’s current cultural climate has helped our students realize that we pledge allegiance to Christ over and above our allegiance to the flag or any of our life goals. This has practically led to several students rethinking their majors, and some students are beginning the process of preparing for missions overseas.
We are sending out graduates who are intentionally seeking to live missionally. In July, I had the privilege of meeting with several of our recent graduates, and it was a joy to see how they are intentionally taking steps to share Christ with others. Their engagement in ministry is no longer contingent on us pushing them to do it. They are simply taking advantage of the opportunities they see in their current context.
Zach Simmons
U of M Campus Director
Student Quote
“Before college, I hadn’t clearly made the connection that Christ died for me before I cleaned myself up. This truth has refreshed my faith by helping the beauty of God resonate deep within my soul. By the grace and work of the Holy Spirit this has sparked my desire for a relationship with Him.”
—Jonathan, Sophomore
University of Minnesota Staff Team
Zach Simmons (Campus Director), Ellyn Lluch, Henrik & Hannah Stevens, Brittany Sheehy (Campus Director), Daniel & Elizabeth Stein