Hannah Henley
"One thing that I have loved about our time in Sheffield is the church we attend: The Crowded House. Through The Crowded House we are placed in life groups and this has really shown me what the body of Christ is and how it works to glorify him. Kayleigh and I had the opportunity to have tea with a woman named Dorothy. She is 91 and is from our life group. She has been attending the church since before it was TCH and she is such an example to look up to. She has seen many people come and go at the church and many changes happen, but she continues to love everyone the way Christ would. It is amazing to see so many generations come together and worship our Lord."
Kayleigh Marks
"This summer I've learned that being a great listener is the best attribute to have when you're trying to share the gospel with someone. When you are truly listening to someone, they feel cared for and are typically willing to share more about their life. You can meet someone where they're at much easier if you listen to them and try to understand what makes them think the way they do about specific topics. People don't want to hear the gospel in a way that does not resonate with them. God is a personal God and He meets us at a personal level, we need to do the same with those we come into contact with."
Harmon Squires
"Being that a majority of students can be apathetic to the Gospel, it has been very exciting to meet one who is excited about it; Derek. Derek is an international student from Hong Kong that Matthew, Larry, and I met at the University of Sheffield Student's Union. He has been one of the more open and responsive students that we have met on campus and now knows all of the guys on our team beacuse of that. He has been intentional with us in hanging out to play sports and get meals together, which has been awesome as it gives us more opportunities to share with him. We were able to share the Gospel with him and he agreed that devotion to God should be something we do out of thanks for God instead of something done to earn favor. Pray that we are able to continue to spend time with him allowing God to show him what the true Gospel is through us."
Torrin Nelson
"This summer I have learned a lot about the difference between understanding God and knowing him. I have often struggled with wanting to pursue God on an intellectual level, putting him into a box of things that I can understand. I have realized this more as I have talked with English students who sort of view God in the same way. But, I know that the times I feel closest to God are times when I am not pursuing him on an intellectual level (usually for my own selfish gain), it is when He is pursuing me - my heart, my emotions, and my mind. Knowing about and understanding God in certain ways can be good, but it will never be satisfying. I will never understand God fully, I will still have doubts and struggles. But thank God (literally) that my salvation is not dependent on how much I understand God or how much I believe. My salvation is dependent on his pursuit of me through Christ, and that’s a truth that he allows me to feel beyond my understanding."
Matthew Hunt
"I was coming back on a 4-hour bus ride from London after visiting a friend I made in Hong Kong. I was really tired and wanted to sleep or read on the way back. As we were about to leave, this guy came walking down the aisle, and I thought, “I hope he doesn’t sit next to me.” I offered the seat if he wanted it, and even though there were empty seats in the back, he took it, and we began talking. Turned out he lives in Sheffield and is an open-minded Muslim from the region of Kashmir that my life group focuses on. Basically got to hear about his life story, talk about the gospel for several hours, and pray together on the bus. And just a few hours before that, he’d been talking to some catholic nuns as well. We both left thinking our meeting wasn’t accidental."
Lauren Dunlap
"As a team, we are reading and discussing Prayer by Tim Keller, which has made me reflect on the trends of my prayer life. Multiple times in the book, Keller talks about the importance of not only knowing about God, but knowing God. I am learning to know and enjoy God more through reflecting on His promises in prayer. Also, being on campus has caused me to feel needy in prayer, knowing that God alone gives favor in friendships and that it is His Spirit, not our words, that are powerful in people's hearts. Throughout the summer, I have noticed my ministry partner, Torrin, and I have prayed more for people we've met on campus and become more dependent on prayer."
Josh Netterlund
"I met a student from Spain named Gerard who attended the University of Sheffield this past year and is headed back to Valencia, Spain this fall. Talking with and being able to spend time with Gerard has been one of the best moments of the summer. Right away we were able to connect very well and became friends quickly. We were able to have great conversations about what he believes in and also about what I believe in and how I believe that we are sinful people who are in need of a savior and how Jesus filled that need by dying on the cross and now offers the gift of eternal life to anyone. When I asked him why he was so curious about Christianity he responded that I reminded him of his grandma who is a Christian and is always smiling and happy and trying to serve other people. He told me that he saw that same heart in me and then I was able to tell him that the reason I have that joy and serve others is because of my relationship with Jesus and that he can have that same relationship with Jesus. He was very interested in Christianity and came to church with me before he left to go back to Spain but now has left so I would like to ask for your prayers that God would continue to work on his heart."
Rob Eller
"In the first couple weeks, Josh and I talked to lots of students in the Student Union at the University of Sheffield. We started talking to this one guy about politics and eventually got on the subject of religion. At first he said that he was an atheist and he had lots of reasons why, but after a little bit of discussion he admitted that agnostic might be a better word to describe himself. Unfortunately we never really got to follow up with him again, but I consider it a success because the gospel was shared and the Word was spoken. Also he now readily admits that there may be a God, although the Spirit has not yet opened his eyes to truth."
Mckenzie Smith
"Being welcomed into the Crowded House community has been one of the richest and most delightful learning experience here in England. My life group models an inspiring dedication and effectiveness in loving and meeting the needs of one another as well as making disciples of international students who are searching for Christ. I’ve also seen God’s love and Lordship alive and active in their families while getting to share meals with them, babysit for their playful kids, and simply sharing in what the English love best: a chat over tea. While participating in one of the investigative Gospel courses they offer for international students, I’ve been encouraged by how the members of my life group relationally invest in their unbelieving friends, seek to truly understand and challenge their beliefs, and boldly and truthfully engage their hearts in regards to Christ. I’m hopeful for how this may equip me for ministry to people from other nations as well as unbelievers in general in the future. I also count myself blessed, through the welcome of families of my life group, to get a clearer picture of the everyday lives of native Brits - seeing how they raise their kids, debate over political, social and personal issues, view education and work, and relentlessly lace their conversations with a lilt of sarcasm."