I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit – just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call – one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in all.
Ephesians 4:1-6
Our final week at ITESO has come to an end. At the beginning of the summer Mike Caponigro told us to labor for the Gospel and live a summer without regrets. By God’s grace, everyone would agree that we have lived this summer with no regrets. We have labored hard for the sake of the Gospel and have seen God work in so many ways.
Our final week on campus was completely focused on studying the Bible with students and going through Gospel books. At first, one of the girls I had been meeting with was closed off to the idea of Christianity. She explained that thinking of death is too sad and would prefer to live for the moment. As Sarah and I continued to study the Bible with her and walk through the Gospel, her eyes became open to God’s purpose for her life and would like to meet with Brittany, one of the leaders involved with Cristo Redentor Church. Multiple other students have been introduced to Kike and Brittany Astorga, and will be starting a Bible study with them in the fall; some are even considering coming to New Years Conference!
Laura and I met with the professor again and introduced her to Gospel books to walk through the main points of Christianity. Laura shared the bridge diagram with her and the professor explained that she has never heard the Gospel so clearly. She thanked us for the books and explained that she has felt Jesus knocking on the door to her heart and she wants to know Him more. The conversation was such a humbling experience as we saw God work in the heart of the professor and pursue her.
Everyone single one of the students that we have been meeting with has become more and more open to the Gospel. Our relationships with them have become like family. Throughout the summer these students have come to our home, watched movies, eaten dinner, and studied the Bible with us. The team is experiencing bittersweet emotions as we leave Mexico. Although we miss our friends and family, it is hard to leave a place that has become so dear to us. The team would appreciate prayers for the students as they begin studying the Bible with Kike and Brittany. We are hoping for five ITESO students to attend New Years Conference in 2017.
Thank you all who have prayerfully and financially supported the CCP team this summer. God has given us an incredible summer with no regrets.
To Him be the honor and the glory!
Hannah Swanson
Back row (left to right): Troy Watson, Jacob Pitman, Kyle Smeltzer, Austin Cohn, Ben Jones, Mike Caponigro
Front row (left to right): Sarah Bujold, Hannah Swanson, Gracie Cobb, Amber McGhee, Natasha Edge, Laura Caponigro