COM Missions Night with Afshin Ziafat & Tim Devane
FriDAY, October 23rd 2020
Afshin Ziafat shares his story of being raised in Islam but coming to faith in Christianity and explains what the true will of God is for our life and how we can follow it.
Tim Devane shares how we can and should practically give our lives away for Christ for the lost wherever we may be; in the United States or abroad.
COM Vision Night with the Traveling Team
The Traveling Team joined us for an evening of encouragement and vision-casting as we explored God’s heart for the world.
Biblical Sexuality with Nick Roen
Sunday, April 19th 2020
Nick Roen, elder at Bethlehem Baptist Church, discusses Biblical Sexuality by sharing his story and Biblical perspectives on same sex attraction, singleness, and marriage.
Coffee Break: Budgeting and Finances with Nick Stromwall and Katie Beth Strand
Thursday, April 23rd 2020
Nick Stromwall and Katie Beth Strand shared biblical perspectives and practical resources on how to manage your money, think about investing, create a budget and more!
Coffee Break: Graduating during Coronavirus
Thursday, May 7th 2020
Ali O’Reilly guides graduating seniors through practical advice on graduation and going into the workforce in general, but especially during coronavirus.