This past Friday morning at 5:30, there was an optional sunrise prayer. A bold group of students courageously abandoned sleep and dragged themselves out of bed to witness the awesome colorations of an indescribable sunrise as they gathered together to speak to their creator. For just over half an hour, we split into groups to pray over the ideas mentioned in three separate passages. After this intentional time with each other before the Lord, the majority of students slipped quietly back into bed to catch a short nap before bible study training at 9:00.
Fun Fact:
Every week a different prayer focus is chosen. This past week we prayed for the Cross Cultural Project (the CCP team). This is another project offered by campus outreach where the team goes over to India for a month to the ends of spreading the Gospel on a college campus internationally. The CCP team will be coming down to South Carolina and stay with us for about a week before they head off to India (this will be a fun week).