This week has been the cross-cultural project week here on STP. The CCP team visits us for ten days before they take off to minister in India for a month. They will be teaching a physical education course at a university in New Delhi, and they will use their down time in order to spread the Gospel to the students. It is a great opportunity for them to experience a new culture and minister to one of the most desperate parts of the world.
Due to their presence, this week has had a large emphasis on missions, and it has really pressed us to think globally—perhaps even about becoming missionaries ourselves. The CCP members have been available for us to talk with, they visited our D-groups and gave us a summary of what they will be doing, and they encouraged us to pray for a heart that breaks for the lost nations.
This morning, we bid them farewell, and they are now returning to Minnesota to finish packing before they head to India on Tuesday. It has been fun to have them around, and they really help us realize the importance of missions. Keep them in your prayers as they go to preach the gospel.