On Thursday night, we had the job social! People from South Project invited coworkers from Chick-fil-a, Krystal Burger, and Walmart to come over for dinner and a program. A lot of co-workers came! Eating together was a great opportunity to both serve our coworkers and get to know them better. I sat with a lady from Walmart who I see every day in passing but never for enough time to have deep conversation. It was cool to get to know her, her husband, and their backgrounds as we ate.
The program started off with skits by groups of Project people from the Walmart Paper/Pets/Chemicals department, the Walmart Homelines and Electronics department, the Walmart Hardlines department, the Walmart back up cashiers, Chick-fil-a, and Krystal Burger. Our coworkers laughed a lot, and definitely appreciated the parodies of life in the workplace. After those skits, the mood became more serious. Some Project people performed the Lifehouse “Everything” skit, which powerfully portrays the Gospel through mime and music. Devin Smith then got up and gave a talk about what we are learning this summer – basically, the need for a Savior and the good news that there is one! The coworkers were invited to stick around afterwards, which gave us an opportunity to follow up with them about what they thought about the talk. Please pray that there would be more conversations with them about Jesus in our last few days of work!