Joy in Jobs

Philippians 2:14-16

“Do all things without grumbling or disputing, that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world, holding fast to the word of life, so that in the day of Christ I may be proud that I did not run in vain or labor in vain”

Walmart or Chick-fil-a may not be everyone’s first choice when it comes to a summer job. but we are thankful for these jobs while working at project. Since Campus Outreach has a great relationship with Walmart and Chick-fil-a, they give over 100 jobs to college students for eight weeks. It’s a win-win situation because they get the help they need for busy summer business and we are able to work for the time we are here.

There are 3 Walmart stores in the area; Garden City, Surfside and the Neighborhood Market. I work in the deli at the Surfside Beach Walmart with a sweet co-worker named John. He is retired and has been working at Walmart for about 16 years! Everyone who comes to the deli leaves with a smile on their face because he truly cares for each customer he helps. The other day he gave a piece of cheese to a little girl who was crying and she immediately stopped. I know this is not our ideal job but we fight to have a good attitude, especially since we aren’t going to be working there for the rest of our lives. Some of our coworkers have been working there for 5, 10, or 15+ years.

Because we are such a large group coming in at once it attracts a lot of questions like; where are you from or why are you working here for the summer? This gives us a great opportunity to share our faith and reason why we chose to come to project. I’ve already had great conversations with coworkers or customers about summer training project. Returning year after year some employees talk about the previous year’s workers and how much they enjoyed working with them.

My hope for myself and everyone on project is that we don’t feel discouraged or burdened but be happy to have a job. I pray that we can be a light glorifying God through our work with our interactions with coworkers and customers.