Visitors from England...Sort Of

You may or may not know this, but STP is not the only project Campus Outreach puts on each summer. The Cross Cultural Project and Twin Cities Project offer students a different view on ministry; CCP gives a vision for what ministry looks like in other parts of the world, and TCP gives a picture of how ministry in the workplace and the city can work.

Recently, STP hosted the CCP team for a week as they shared what God did in England over the past eight weeks. It was a sweet time of seeing how God uses different members of His body to accomplish different parts of His mission to make His name known.

A few things happened while CCP were here: one of the staff - Devin Smith - gave the theme talk on Monday nights, the CCP hosts the social (a scavenger hunt) and provides the encouragement (tea and biscuits!) for the week. Each member of the CCP also met with students on project during the week to further talk with them about students’ interest in overseas missions and their own experiences.

I personally got to sit down and talk with Sarah Trapp, one of the CCP members, over coffee, and was so encouraged by hearing now God had worked in her life over the summer. It was clear that God had radically transformed the hearts of all the team members, stirring up a passion for the lost overseas and filling them with immense joy in the process. It was refreshing to my heart to hear about God working outside of the small STP world we’ve been living in. Hearing stories of how God rewarded the CCP’s faithfulness to go to the nations encouraged me and many other students at STP to consider how God might be calling us to “go into all the world.

It’s going to be exciting to see the fruit of the CCP’s time with us as we go back to our campuses and even consider what next summer might hold, be that a CCP trip, another missions trip, STP again, or living on mission in Minneapolis.

“Then he said to his disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.’” - Matthew 9:37-38