Sorry to disappoint, but I don't actually know how to fix your life in five minutes. In fact, I think it is quite odd of you to think you could fix your life at such a rapid speed? Also, should I be concerned?
You may think it's fake news, but quick fixes actually do not fix anything. If fact, usually they end up hurting you in the long run.
Have you ever thought about why we tend to click on the blog posts, articles, or Pinterest ideas on things that say something like:
- How to get rid of ... quick and easy
- The best solution for ...
- How to permanently stop ...
- How to ... the right way
- 5 Questions you should ask before ...
- How to ... in 5 minutes
- Tips for effortless ...
- 1 Simple rule to ...
- 10 simple things you can do to ...
- 2 most strategic ways to accelerate ...
- 7 Tricks to ...
I wonder how many books, articles, magazines, treatments, or technology we have invested in and spent our money on in order to achieve these "quick fixes."
How crazy is it that we doubtfully read and chase after things that we know will not satisfy our desire?
However, we continue to click on these ideas that give us momentary hope in the growth we want to see in our lives. Despite the endless lists of failed products, weight loss tips, or life hacks, we continue to pursue these "easy outs."
Why is that?
This summer, I have learned about how much we, as humans, tend to chase after any option that could lead us towards the destination we desire without asking for help, spending the extra money to consult a professional, or ask God--the ultimate professional who wrote every book on how to live a perfect life.
I have learned that we chase everything but the heart of God. Often, I feel like God is my "last resort." I tend to desire control and when I think I can fix something without having to "bother" God, then I usually try to. My bad, did I say usually? I meant all the time.
“God tends to feel too hard to reach or too busy because I do not take the time to realize I am the one too busy, not Him”
I measure my success by looking in a mirror, use self-talk to talk myself up, and let other's comments about me hit too hard.
You know what's funny? We are not who we see in the mirror because it only reflects what is on the outside and not the inside. Our self-talk, whether positive or negative, does not paint a accurate picture of who we really are. What others say about us cannot touch us because only God can judge, only He can define. Instead, God knows us better than anything or anyone ever could--He created us.
Our true identity cannot be ESTABLISHED from anything else but God and His word. Our desires will never be met by the simplicity of what those 10 Steps to Receiving Fame promise us.
Growing up, I felt like I was doing everything right, yet it felt all wrong. I knew God was God and about His love, but somehow the distance and what I knew to be true about Him felt like a distant fairy-tale that deep down I was hoping to be true.
I felt an obliviousness towards God, despite knowing the facts, that Jesus died for me, and how much He loved me.
Looking back on life, I think we can all agree that at some point in our walk with the Lord we were more concerned with appearing godly than with knowing God. We chased the quick fixes instead of chasing the only thing that can fix our problems--Jesus. Everyone judges our hearts by our behavior, instead of understanding that God cares more about our hearts.
Can we honestly say we talk to God about what we are feeling instead of saying what we think He wants to hear?
Life has no quick fixes outside of Jesus and the powerful work He can do in our lives. Maybe it is time to start being honest with ourselves and "fix" how we interact with others, the Word, and ourselves with small, God-guided steps every single day.
Ask yourself:
- For God to be pleased with you, what do you think you should be chasing?
- What is your heart chasing the most?