This last Thursday, all of the CO staff left Project, making Project feel a bit more quiet without all the children and a bit more relaxed as the “parents” are gone. It has been a smooth transition thus far as the student leaders have stepped up to fill all of the roles and ensure that Project keeps running smoothly.
To some, it seems daunting to have staff leave for a whole month. You may even be wondering why on earth they would leave the exact project that they have planned and prayed for for months. The thing is, it’s all about ownership. Staff are great to help everyone get started, but in the end, every student needs to take ownership of their own faith and their own growth, because when they graduate, they’re not going to have a staff person holding their hand.
We all need to own our own faith and spiritual development. At some point, we all have to own our faith and figure out how to implement it into our daily lives. We need to learn how to grow together and disciple and lead each other. So, with the staff gone, each student is having to step into their specific role whether team leader, room leader, or participant, and own it. We’ve been trained, and now it’s time to go and do.
The idea of ownership is interesting because in order to own something, you have to be willing to sacrifice for it. Being a Christian isn’t easy. Being a leader isn’t easy. In fact, it seems that the popular saying is true: “Nothing worth having is ever easy.”
Last week, the theme talk was about sanctification. Sanctification truly is the life of an exile. In order to be like Christ, we must die to our earthly selves with Christ and be resurrected to new life with Him. But the kicker is that sanctification is a process that takes your whole lifetime; it is neither quick nor easy.
It is a sacrifice you make when you choose to own your faith. That you would fight with Christ against your old sinful ways and be transformed with Christ to a more holy life. But the fight is just that: it is a fight.
“No one drifts towards holiness. ”
Sacrifices must be made when it comes to following Jesus, and that is a hard truth for many to hear. Just recently I had another real and hard conversation with my coworker that we have been bringing to talks and sharing the gospel with. To him right now, the life of following Christ isn’t worth giving up his earthly pleasures. It breaks my heart that that is the reality that many choose.
Please continue to pray for my coworker that God would open his eyes to the goodness and value of the gospel. Because while owning your faith takes a lot of sacrifice, it is the best decision that anyone can make in their entire lives. Please pray that that truth would be seen in our lives to those around us. Jesus truly is better!
Thursday Night Social
Last Thursday, our social was a Tropical Party! The social was a bit on the calmer end as we all just dressed up in our Hawaiian gear, ate “Hawaiian-themed” food, did the limbo, and danced the night away. People have been very dedicated to learning how to swing-dance and improving their skills! And of course, pool parties are always a go-to!