How to Make a Faith-Filled Summer Decision

There are always a multitude of factors and circumstances that can get in the way of godly decision-making. With so many good opportunities, how are we supposed to know what God really wants for us? Take some time to pray through these four questions with regard to your summer. God is in the business of removing obstacles, so don’t be afraid to ask and trust Him to do it.

  1. What does the Word of God say about this (decision/opportunity)?
    Is this opportunity in line with the Word of God? (2 Timothy 3:16)

  2. What do the people of God say about this?
    What do the Christians in your life think about this? What does the counsel you are receiving about this look like? Are other believers weighing in on this? (Psalm 1)

  3. What is the Spirit of God saying about this?
    Do you have a peace or feel assurance from God about this? (Psalm 143:10, Daniel 2:22)

  4. What do circumstances or providence say about this?
    Could this be a real possibility? Try not to let small things detain you. If the answer to the previous questions is a confident “yes”, ask God in His divine providence to remove or provide for circumstances that may hinder you from moving forward in this opportunity God may very well be calling you to.