Jack Thompson encourages us to start thinking for our campuses and gives a list practicals to intentionally engage the campus for Christ.
Encouraging vs. Flattering Your People
From 1 Thessalonians 2:5-12 Jack Thompson begins by showing us the two pitfalls of flattery: saying what we don’t need to say in people pleasing and refraining from saying what we need to say because of our fear of people. Encouragement is different from flattery because it is not self-seeking or even other-seeking, but because it is gospel-seeking. True encouragement points people towards God.
Bearing Your People's Burdens
Jack Thompson defines burdens as our standing before God. This roots out the possibility of comparing ourself to others, but instead leads to acts of encouragement that points to Christ.
Brown Like Campus Outreach
Steve Shadrach, author of Brown Like Coffee and Fuel and the Flame, came in as a guest speaker and gave a outside perspective of Campus Outreach. Shadrach encouraged the leaders to calling of a vision, not a label.
Servant Leadership
Eric Lonergan explores two possible selfish tendencies of leadership, oppression and neglect. Oppressive leadership causes disciples to flee while negligence weakens our integrity.
Grace-Filled Leadership
Eric Lonergan draws from the account of Gideon, pointing that “God uses us despite us, not because of us.” Leaders rejoice in the progress and joy of their disciples because of God’s grace, not because of our strength.
Faith-Filled Leadership
God proves Himself faithful despite our unfaithfulness. Eric Lonergan encourages us to fight to remember that we are sick and see the Lord our god who is fighting for us (Joshua 23:3-6).
Authentic Leadership
In this talk Eric Lonergan encourages thinking for others and depending on God for strength, drawing from illustrations in the book of Judges including Samson and Gideon.