Theme Training- What is discipleship? Why discipleship? What's the benefit of discipleship?
Heart Transformation, Not Head Inflation
Bible Study Training- If all the information learned simply remains information as we go back home and to the campus, then the Spirit is not at work and we are not transformed. Hearts need to be transformed, not just our minds.
Bible Study Meditation
Bible Study Training- How can we engage with our hearts over what we read in the bible? Meditation: continuous or profound contemplation, or musing on a subject.
Bible Study Interpretation
Bible Study Training: Learn to find joy in studying the bible.
Bible Study Application
Bible Study Training- A genuine belief in the Gospel is what changes our hearts.
Worldview of an Exile
Bible Study Training- As exiles, we have a certain way we view the world, we have a certain authority. What kind of authority does the bible have over us? What authority does God have over us?
Relationships Part III: Doing
Relationships: The DOING part of true love.
Relationships Part II: True Love
Relationships: The THINKING part of true love
Relationships Part I
Relationships: Ken and Theresa tell their story of meeting, dating, and marriage.
Theme Training: How does God comfort us through our suffering? How has God suffered for us?
Grace: An Exile's Gospel
Theme Training: The heart of christianity.
Final Exiles
Theme Training: What does it mean to be a christian chaser? Christians go and make communities in places that community doesn't exist yet.
Theme Training: How do we define an exile?
The Power of an Exile
Theme Training: The power of prayer for an exile.
The Message Part II
Evangelism Training: How do Christ and faith play out in evangelism.
The Message Part I
Theme Training: How can God be both a gracious father and a holy judge at the same time.
The Joy of Being Transformed by the Bible
Bible Study Training: How does the bible transform us from the inside out?
Mercy Ministry
Evangelism Training: What is mercy ministry? Where does it come from? How do we do it?
Holding Loosely to Your Schedule
Life training
Holding Loosely to your Body
Life Training