“A joy that is shared is a joy made double.” —John Roy.
There is an atmosphere of excitement in our Resource Office as we joyfully labor to steward and advance Campus Outreach. That energy only increases every time we have an All Staff Meeting or a region wide event. The main reason: we as a team get to labor together. How much more joy do you think we have when we consider our larger team of ministry partners? Immeasurably more.
It is an utmost pleasure to be able to be a part of students “believ[ing] that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing [they] may have life in his name.” (John 20:31). This pleasure is exponentially greater when I consider you, our prayerful and financial partners in the gospel, that share in this delight! Thank you for your partnership in the gospel.
This year two staff started and completed support raising and another is currently in the process. The Lord is building more laborers for the campus and you are a part of that! We are grateful for your faithful and sacrificial giving in order to bolster the work of God in our ministry. We pray that your giving is as joyful for you as it is for us. Thank you.
Harmon Squires
Resource Director