Belief with our South African Brothers and Sisters
We had the privilege of bringing six students with us to partner with Campus Outreach South Africa in Pretoria as they raise-up laborers and leaders on the college campus. It was amazing to learn alongside the SA team how to love students through friendship, sharing the gospel, and sharing life.
The spiritual landscape there is a syncretistic mix between traditional African tribal religions and Christianity. Alongside students wrestling with this complex mix, there is a difficult history known as the Apartheid that still very much affects the social, political, economic, and spiritual landscape. It was one of the harshest racial systems ever politically structured, and it still very much impacts the lives of South Africans and the Church.
University of Pretoria campus
We spent our days on the Campus of the University of Pretoria where we made many friends by playing basketball, cards, billiards, and enjoying meals together. We were able to share our faith with many of them as the South African team taught us how to engage well with students. It was awesome to see the ways that our students grew in wanting to share their faith with students in South Africa and their desire to share their faith with people back home.
The students we spent time with were being connected with the local CO South African team and Red Door Church, allowing them to be part of a community of Jesus-loving people that embrace them no matter where they are in their walk with God. One of the South African students we brought to church with us said, “this is the most diverse church I have ever seen.” It was amazing for all of us to experience a multiethnic community in the midst of one of the most segregated countries in the world. We got to see firsthand how the gospel brings many people from every tribe, tongue, and nation together.
“I know that this is something the Lord is calling me to next if not long-term. I think that this is going to change how I see people and how much I want to share the gospel with them because of how much I love them.”
—Abigail, Senior, Northwestern