Dead World-Views vs Life in Christ
University of Minnesota 2022 Campus Update
University of Minnesota students during our Summer Training Project
98% of students I interact with have never heard the gospel before. This is an unofficial statistic that continually rings true in my personal ministry. If they’ve never heard the gospel before, what do they believe in? Today, their beliefs are being formed by the question "does it work?" more than the question "what is true?". Truth is no longer the reason we value and adhere to something. Will I have a sense of belonging? Will I feel accomplished? Can it bring me happiness and fulfillment? If so, then my worldview has a good reason for it. Truth now serves the greatest good: personal fulfillment.
Ironically, students in college today have greater levels of anxiety, depression, and loneliness than any previous generation. At the U of M, it is unusual if a student says they don’t feel empty inside. They are fighting to find something that will give them peace, happiness, and belonging. But no matter how they attempt to fulfill themselves, they become more anxious, depressed, and lonely.
Friday Feast fun
God will not share his glory with another, and their only hope for life is to be reconciled with their maker. The gospel has not changed. Belief in the gospel leads to life. “To set the mind on the flesh is death.” (Rom. 8:6) Pray for these students! Pray for laborers to come. Pray for favor with students and listening ears that will receive the gospel like seed on good soil.
How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!”
—Romans 10:14–15
Zach Simmons
U of M Campus Director
Student Quote
“We all can relate to feeling empty. We all look to our phones to fill our time, but we only feel worse after a few hours of binging on Youtube and Tiktok. I can personally testify that Christ is the only worldview that produces life.”
—Peter, Junior
U of M STaff