Campus Updates

U of M Campus Update

U of M Campus Update

As has always been the case, college is the time when students are forming convictions that will inform the way they live for the rest of their lives. Because the culture of our time and the affects of the pandemic, convictions are primarily being formed by the question "Does it work?" more than the question "What is true?" As Christians, we have a compelling answer for what works:

Bethel Campus Update

Bethel Campus Update

Loss. A perfect description of what 2020 felt like to so many of us. Wearing masks and always being six feet apart slowed going deep with students and robbed us of normal shared experiences. Yet, Habakkuk 1:5 stood out, “Look among the nations, and see; wonder and be astounded. For I am doing a work in your days that you would not believe if told.”

Northwestern Campus Update

Northwestern Campus Update

Everyone can sympathize with the hardships faced throughout the COVID-19 pandemic—the loss of loved ones, jobs, and regular human interactions. Those working in full-time ministry were not immune to this either. For us at Northwestern, the loss of the ability to go into the dorms, plexiglass dividers at lunch tables, and never knowing if someone was smiling at you became everyday realities.

St. Thomas Campus Update

St. Thomas Campus Update

In Paul’s letter to the Philippians he says, “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” He goes on to explain that dying is gain because he would get to enjoy the presence of Jesus. Paul also says that for him to live is Christ. Well, what does that mean? I think Paul is actually saying the same thing twice! What living means for Paul is a daily form of dying…