Northwestern Campus Update

Gradual Momentum for God’s Glory


A snowball is small as it begins to roll down a hill. A river is not fast-moving and dangerous initially, but rather a gentle and soft stream. Before it starts flying hundreds of miles an hour, even an airplane maneuvers around an airstrip hardly faster than a car on the road.

For any movement to take shape, it has to start small and slowly. As laborers in Gospel ministry, we desire to see Christ-exalting, sin-defeating, community-building movements take form on the college campus. But that won’t appear out of nowhere. Just as we first received Christ, we must die to ourselves daily as we share the Gospel with college students. 

Since the start of 2023, our team at UNW has seen the LORD start a movement in students’ hearts. Through our Gospel warmth and hospitality, God brought 31 students on our Spring Break trip to South Carolina, 25 new to our ministry. Three students became followers of Christ after engaging in intentional Bible studies and bold gospel conversations and are now being discipled in our ministry. Starting this fall, we had 18 new students commit to joining discipleship groups that we formed to foster biblical accountability and community. God is moving in students’ hearts at UNW and creating a movement through our ministry. We pray that He will be pleased to continue to use our efforts to have this snowball grow as it rolls down the hill.

Northwestern Campus Director

Taylor Lindahl

“Campus Outreach has given me a relationship with an incredible discipler who has helped me know Jesus better, understand God’s Word deeper, and challenged me to continue to multiply His disciples on my football team, on my campus, and in all the nations, all for the glory of God.”

– Collin Currier, Senior

Northwestern Staff

Hannah & Henrik Stevens

Taylor & Ellie Lindahl