Bethel Campus Update

Pursue, Invite, Pursue


The beginning of the school year is a time to reset and cast vision for staff and students. We painted a picture for our student leaders that the upcoming year will primarily consist of these two things: abiding in Jesus and sharing the joy. As a branch abides in the vine, we are called to abide in Jesus. Spirit-filled abiding innately causes us to move towards others for their joy. As we disciple students, we desire to establish them in the gospel. With God’s help, we aim to teach, inspire, and model a Christian life rooted in gospel identity, saturated in the scriptures, and embedded in the local church. 

The phrase we repeat to stir students to share the joy of Jesus with others is simple, yet striking: pursue, invite, pursue. This slogan creates the context and vision for our campus events like evening volleyball, basketball tournaments, women’s charcuterie night, coffee shop worship nights, fall retreats, spring break trips, and many dinner parties. All of these shared experiences lead to building friendships and later sharing the gospel message. We pursue others in friendships by actively moving toward them and asking many good questions. Inviting others to our home, campus events, and church further builds relationship and comfortability. As friendships deepen so do conversations. It’s incredible to see God open doors to share the gospel, study the bible, and point people to Jesus. Pray for boldness to step out in faith, pursue friendships, invite into our lives, and pursue gospel conversations!

“The Campus Outreach staff have been an example for me of what Godly living looks like. From reading the Word to sharing our faith, they have challenged me to continue living out my calling in life. They have encouraged me to share the Gospel on campus and disciple students as I have been discipled.”

– Noah Meissner, Senior

Campus Directors

Derek & Brittany Franze