St. Thomas Campus Update

Move Expecting God to Move


We need not look any further than God’s word to see that God is faithful. He has been and will always be. After we sinned, God promised to bring forth a Messiah to save us from our sins. He could have given up on Israel, given their constant unfaithfulness, but instead he keeps his promise and sends his Son to die on a cross to save us from the penalty and power of sin. After he rises from the dead and just before he ascends into heaven he commands us to make disciples, leaving us with a truth and a promise. He reminds us that, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to [him].” He then promises to be “with you always, to the end of the age.”

We see in God’s word that he uses the church to bring back his lost sheep. Throughout time, God continued to use the church where the gospel eventually got to us! What do we do with all this evidence of his faithfulness? We move expecting God to move. We build relationships and share the gospel knowing it’s the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes. This past year we saw God bring 7 students from death to life and enter into a discipleship relationship where we continue to see growth in their lives. And so we humbly walk into the next school year to move towards more lost students, fully expecting him to be with us, always.

St. Thomas Campus Director

Billy Kor

“Throughout this year, God has used many trials to edify my faith. God has graciously provided me with a community that has helped me remember the cross daily and allowed the pure joy of life with Him to sustain me!”

– Sophie Potter, Sophomore

St. Thomas Staff

Ellie Emley

Stephanie Pohl

Billy & Hannah Kor