Blown Away (Un)Belief
University of Northwestern 2022 Campus Update
Northwestern students during our Summer Training Project
God was gracious to us in 2022. Our staff team had dropped from four to two staff members, but we had a group of committed student leaders who were excited to join us in ministry. The effects of the pandemic were still prevalent, but the events we hosted were well attended by students, many of whom we had previously never even had the chance to meet. Although we felt our trust in the Lord was secure, we often felt like the scared father in Mark 9:24, crying out to Jesus, “I believe; help my unbelief!” Through the course of the year, the Lord was abundantly showing His provision and presence in our ministry.
Though we felt very limited in our ability to meet new students on campus throughout last year, the Lord was very gracious to us. He showed us how little control we have and that we need an ever-deepening dependence on Him. He provided opportunities to host a Winter Conference, Spring Break Trip, and Summer Training Project. Additionally, He graciously provided avenues for the Gospel to still go forth on campus, despite our limitations as staff. Our student leaders faithfully built relationships with students in their classes, sports teams, and dorms and started various Bible studies for new students to join. We feel so grateful for the Lord’s work through our students and pray that this past year will begin a lifetime of giving their lives away for the sake of others knowing Christ.
Football Bible Study
With all of God’s gracious provisions, our trust in Him should not have been lacking; however, we found ourselves consistently having to cry out to Him, “Help our unbelief!” Throughout the past year, we have seen God’s undeserved blessings showered in the work of our ministry.
Taylor and Ellie Lindahl
Northwestern Campus Directors
Student Quote
“Campus Outreach has changed my life in so many ways. A person from Campus Outreach was the first person to share the gospel with me which molded my life completely to Christ. People who knew me before that moment say that I am a completely different person. And that is what Campus Outreach–and more importantly what the Gospel–has done for me.”
–Abigail, Senior
NortHwestern Campus Staff